
Sculpting Myself: The Michelangelo Effect on the Canvases of My Varied Selves

Today, as I sit down to reflect on the intricate dance of my inner thoughts and desires, I am struck by the profound transformation that has taken place within me. It's as if I have forged a Michelangelo effect relationship with the various facets of my mind and body – a connection that has sculpted a truer, more authentic version of myself. In the quiet corners of my consciousness, where once there was chaos and confusion, there now exists a harmonious symphony of thoughts and desires. It's as though I have become one with the very elements that once seemed alien, uncontrollable, and daunting. My inner thoughts, the whispers of my subconscious, and the desires that once eluded my grasp – they have all become allies on this journey of self-discovery. I remember the times when my mind resembled a tempest, and my desires felt like wild beasts I couldn't tame. My stomach hungered for more than just food; it craved understanding, purpose, and fulfillment. In those moments, it w

Fear's the Path, Courage the Destination

 Today, I took a step out of my comfort zone, venturing into a place I've always feared – answering phone calls. My anxiety, especially the fear of debt collectors threatening me, has kept me from picking up calls for the past seven years, not even from my family. Unless I know the caller and they notify me in advance, I avoid answering. A few days ago, an unknown number called me twice. I hesitated to answer, fearing it might be a debt collector. To my surprise, it turned out to be a hotel responding to my job application. Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity as they never got back to me after that. Today, I received another call from an unknown number, not even appearing on my Truecaller app. Despite my apprehension, I decided to answer, and it was the company I applied to, inviting me for an interview next week. I feel nervous yet excited – this is my chance. It's amusing how a small improvement, just one tiny step in facing our fears, can open up new horizons. I've r

The Laptop Labyrinth: Unearthing Golden Threads in Frustration

Today has been a challenging day, and my frustration has reached new heights. I spent over 12 agonizing hours grappling with my sluggish and infuriating laptop, pouring my energy into creating a CV for a job application. To add insult to injury, I later discovered that a simple resume would have sufficed. It's disheartening to realize that this isn't an isolated incident; it's becoming a recurring theme in my life. Reflecting on my recent struggles, Saturday, February 20, 2024, was a particularly dreadful day. My laptop screen decided to betray me, demanding an unexpected expense that I had to pull from my younger brother. The feeling of helplessness and inadequacy lingered, amplifying the frustration that seemed to be my constant companion. On that same day, my attempt to use Grab Car ended in rejection after a lengthy wait. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a silver lining emerged in the form of a Grab Car driver. Though not a local, he had embraced our community for 15 years. His

Unveiling My Professional Skill Set: A Peek into My Diverse Journey

Greetings, professionals! Join me as I unravel a tapestry of experiences that have finely tuned my skills, making me adept for various roles, particularly in the dynamic world of hotel jobs. Let's delve into the key skills honed through my journey: Versatile Committee Involvement: As a Committee Member for diverse tasks, from program registration to event organization, I've fine-tuned my organizational skills, attention to detail, and adaptability—essential qualities for successful hotel management. Community Outreach and Advocacy: Leading an outreach program against dam construction, I developed strong communication and negotiation skills—qualities crucial for managing guest relations in a hotel environment. Artistic Collaboration and Time Management: Engaging in a musical sketch project demanded teamwork, organization, and effective time management. These skills translate seamlessly into roles requiring coordination and efficiency in a hotel setting. Cultural Sensitivity and

Beyond the Shallows: Rediscovering the Essence of Fun

Today, I stumbled upon a profound revelation regarding the true, alternative definition of having fun. In contemporary society, the prevailing notion is that revelry involves venturing to clubs, indulging in drinks, partying, and engaging in promiscuous behavior. I find myself pondering, who decided that this narrow scope is the sole definition of having fun? Why do so many unquestioningly accept that the pursuit of fleeting pleasures is the exclusive source of joy? In a delightful twist of discovery, I unearthed that the joy of unraveling a complex programming topic, reaching an intellectual breakthrough, is also a form of enjoyment. Enlightenment derived from philosophical contemplation, the satisfaction of acquiring new skills, and the joy in cultivating positive habits – these too constitute genuine sources of amusement. Today's realization extends beyond the external world; it delves into the vast reservoir within myself. There exists an abundance of unexplored facets waiting

Pleasure in Discipline: Unveiling Long-Term Rewards for Habit Cultivation

In my diary for today, I might have stumbled upon a genuine "life hack." To cultivate a new and outstanding habit, to drive oneself to excel, it's essential to identify a way to make it enjoyable. Habits persist when they bring pleasure. Devouring ice cream is effortless and delightful, hence its widespread popularity. Conversely, immersing oneself in the complexities of programming isn't inherently pleasurable; it can be arduous. However, today, I discovered a method to infuse pleasure into it. I envision the myriad accomplishments awaiting me as a proficient programmer. The fame, the girls, money etc lmao. I contemplate the prospect of creating groundbreaking trading algorithms and ascending to the heights of a successful hedge fund manager. This mental shift transforms the inherently challenging process of learning and programming into a pleasurable endeavor. By focusing on the long-term rewards and pleasures, I can fuel my dedication and enthusiasm. I channel my i

Escaping the Ant Mill of Life: Breaking the Death Spiral for Renewed Success

Today's reflection brings forth the profound lessons learned from observing the ant death spiral, a stark reminder of the dangers that come with repeating the same futile actions. The ants, caught in an endless loop, circling until exhaustion, serve as a poignant metaphor for my recent struggles in trading. Just as the ants mindlessly follow their peers, I found myself trapped in a dangerous cycle of greed and poor risk management. After a period of significant profit, I allowed complacency to set in, abandoning the fundamental principles of risk management. The result? A relentless downward spiral that has left my trading journey hanging in the balance. The ant death spiral teaches a crucial lesson about recognizing when a path leads nowhere. It's not enough to simply be busy; one must be purposeful and adaptive. In trading, as in life, blindly repeating past mistakes can be a destructive pattern. It's time to break free from the loop, to step back and reassess my strategy